Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

Wisata Jember - Cigar Agrotourism

Cigar Agrotourism  


Cigars are made of rolled dried tobacco leaves. Nusantara Plantation Corporation 10 lies eight kilometers north of Jember. The cigars are exported to Europe, America and Australia. However, it also produces Indonesian cigars for domestic consumption. All visitors can see the process of cultivating seedlings, drying tobacco leaves, picking as well as the making of cigars. Dutch visitors can especially enjoy the nostalgia of the site as they participate in the agro tourism. The first people who introduced the process of tobacco cultivation were the Dutch. Jember became known to Europeans as the “Tobacco city” particularly in Germany. To reach the Nusantara Plantation the visitors can take public transportation from downtown.

Cerutu terbuat dari gulungan daun tembakau kering. Perkebunan Nusantara Korporasi 10 terletak delapan kilometer sebelah utara Jember. Cerutu diekspor ke Eropa, Amerika dan Australia. Namun, juga memproduksi cerutu Bahasa Indonesia untuk konsumsi domestik. Semua pengunjung dapat melihat proses budidaya bibit, pengeringan daun tembakau, memetik serta pembuatan cerutu. Pengunjung Belanda terutama dapat menikmati nostalgia dari situs seperti mereka berpartisipasi dalam wisata agro. Orang pertama yang memperkenalkan proses budidaya tembakau Belanda. Jember itu diketahui oleh Eropa sebagai "kota Tembakau" terutama di Jerman. Untuk mencapai Perkebunan Nusantara para pengunjung dapat mengambil transportasi umum dari pusat kota. 

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