Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Contemporary Art Gallery Semarang

Semarang Contemporary Art Gallery
Since 2008, Kota Lama has not only attracted tourists interested in the area's history, but also those interested in art. Chris Dharmawan has transformed an old building dating back to 1895 into a gallery known as the Semarang Contemporary Art Gallery. The works of both local and national artists of the calibre of Heri Dono and Eko Nugroho regularly fill its exhibition rooms and the building still boasts its original architecture, with its big pillars and high ceiling. These have been preserved as close as possible to their original condition. Meanwhile, modern touches can be found in the use of glass and statues in the gallery's green garden.

Sutisna Gusti KomangSejak 2008, Kota Lama tak cuma memegang status destinasi wisata sejarah, tapi juga wisata seni. Chris Dharmawan menyulap sebuah bangunan tua buatan 1895 menjadi galeri apik bernama Semarang Contemporary Art Gallery. Karya-karya seniman lokal maupun nasional sekelas Heri Dono dan Eko Nugroho rutin mengisi ruang pamernya. Cita rasa bangunan kuno dengan pilar-pilar besar dan langit-langit tinggi dipelihara seperti aslinya. Sementara sentuhan modern dihadirkan lewat penggunaan kaca dan patung-patung di taman.

Jl.Taman Srigunting 5-6,16224 3552 099, 

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